Decks / Oracle Cards Basics

As I shared in My Disclaimer, part of my journey has been getting past my preconceived notions and biases, and instead seeking to truly understand. And oracle cards were actually what helped me realize that. 

…the first time someone spoke to me about oracle cards, I was deeply disturbed because I was convinced they were not ok. Spirit checked me, and asked me what I thought an oracle was. I knew from the question that I should look up the meaning of the word, which was “one who speaks on behalf of a deity.” As someone who has spent a large portion of my adult life doing exactly that, I had to laugh when I read it. 

Immediately, I realized that like with the prophetic, the words are only as good as the vessel it comes through. If someone spends no time connected to Source and is unaccustomed to operating intuitively, what they pour forth will be lacking. But for those who are truly seeking the Divine / Source / Spirit / Oneness – regardless of beliefs – there will be truth to be found there (for those with a background in the bible, “the gifts are given without repentance”), and Spirit will speak to you if you will listen (remember that even in scripture, God spoke through the mouth of an ass).

My Disclaimer

Decks as Tools

So do I recommend oracle cards? I recommend using whatever allows you to commune with Spirit. Be intentional to check the energy of what you use. I use the Map of Consciousness a lot for this (which I share about in Map of Consciousness: Where is Your Energy?). If I notice the tone of a deck is “bringing me down” or that it “feels dark” – I don’t use it. 

I also feel the need to note that even as I use the decks, I’m not seeking to interact with the decks themselves as if they were an entity, but rather what the Divine would reveal to me through the decks. In my mind it’s a subtle but distinct difference. The decks are tools, and I am connecting to the Divine Consciousness, tapping into that oneness/flow always, but in these instances with the assistance of these tools. It would be like reading a book that sparks Divine inspiration. You’re not objectifying the book, but simply receiving the inspiration however Source wants to bring it. 

Decks stored in an index card storage box (and the oracle decks’ companion books with them)

I will often read a card and know exactly what is being said to me, only to read it aloud to a friend later to realize it doesn’t actually SAY what I got from it. And that’s ok – that’s actually great. In the same way you have inside jokes with close friends and family, the same holds true with Source. You should have inside connections (in Christian circles we called them “God winks”), where you immediately know what’s being said because it’s referencing something you already have talked with Spirit about. 

Note: I need to pause and say this is where journaling becomes so important! It helps you find the themes and remember the things you sensed. Doing so helps hone your intuitive abilities / spiritual senses.

All of this to say use the decks that resonate for you. Great ones to start with that are largely just wise encouragement are the ones from @GabbyBernstein including #TheUniverseHasYourBack #SuperAttractor and #SpiritJunkie – these are available in physical decks and as apps for your phone. I own all 3 in both mediums because sometimes I like to physically set them out and sometimes it’s nice to just get a quick encouragement on my phone without moving. 

A card from #SuperAttractor by @GabbyBernstein with a Pink Lithium sphere and a garnet and lithium wand that was a collaboration between @CrystalLifeBlessings and @HandmadeWithLove333

A Personal Example 

I’ll give you an example. In a moment when I was struggling with some worry and was feeling stuck, I reached for a couple of Pink Lithium Quartz pieces (a personal favorite) because they have wonderful soothing energy. I decided to pull a card from the Super Attractor deck (Sometimes I just don’t want any extra reading because I already feel overwhelmed. In those moments I just want something simple to encourage or help me shift my perspective slightly. Gabi’s decks are perfect for those moments.)

The card was a beautiful encouragement. It reminded me to intentionally choose an expanded state (again, Map of Consciousness). By choosing to step into joy (which I typically do via gratitude simply because being grateful is a very familiar state and is a higher frequency, so it’s my go-to for shifting my energy), I was able to lose any sense of constriction and anxiety, which allowed ideas to flow that generated movement. 

Now did the card magically do this? Not the card itself, but by Source speaking to me through it and by me choosing to shift my energy a massive shift happened for me. And yes, the card was the catalyst. It’s a tool. And like any other tool, the quality and how it’s being used are what matters

From The Universe has Your Back, “The presence of love will always cast out fear.” Shown with a Stalactite, Moonstone, and Tangerine Quartz wand created by @HandmadeWithLove333

Inspirational Decks

Now you could argue Gabi’s decks aren’t Oracle Cards. And you’d be right. I’d classify them more as inspirational. In that same category is the #InspirationDeck by @AutumnSkyeArt which is another favorite (available on Etsy) and another personal favorite, the #D4YartDeck from @D4YartDeck  (LOL the D4Yart Decks are ones I created and wrote, but they truly are favorites that I use regularly). There’s actually 3 decks and more on the way (available on MPC). 

Both the D4Yart Decks and the Autumn Skye Art deck feature art pieces on one side and self contained wisdom on the back (in other words, these are physical decks and there’s no additional book with more information). Again, sometimes the extra reading feels overwhelming, and these decks are wonderful for that. You also have the added benefit of inspiration from the vast array of art shown on them. The drawback comes if you’re someone who likes to spread the cards out and choose – since the both sides are different on all the cards, it makes that method challenging. Personally, I solve this by just closing my eyes. If I’m doing a multi-card pull, I often will pair shorter-read cards like these with a few longer-reading cards (I’ll share more about those next). I like the combination of information. 

I get a lot of intuitive download when I’m doing any sacred practice, so for me the more I’m reading, the more information it is for me to process, so over time I’ve learned the blend that works for me. Your blend may be different, which is fine! I’m sharing mine simply as an example of how one person does it. 

Oracle Cards

Finally, I definitely have some favorite oracle decks. I own quite a few, but primarily I find myself favoring these three physical decks: 

  • @The_MoonDeck by @aarona.lea 
  • #Nativespiritdeck by @deniselinn33
  • #TheSpiritAnimalOracle by @ColetteBaron_Reid

Each of these comes with a book that gives the information that goes with each card (although the Moon Deck has an affirmation on the card, so you can use those for a quick pull if you want to). There’s a lot of rich wisdom in these. If you want a more in-depth card pull, or if you find you’re more able to hear (spiritually) when you’re given more information, these types of decks are what you’re looking for. 

As with anything where a lot of information is given, the more information increases the likelihood for differences of beliefs. Just remember that though not all of it may align with your beliefs, if you are open, you will be able to pull the pieces that resonate and table the ones don’t. That’s just a good principle across the board. 

For those of you who grew up in church, use of words like “spirit” (like animal spirits) may be hard for you to connect with (I know initially they were for me), but think of them like archetypes. What’s being shared is wisdom based on the attributes of these creatures and sometimes the lore associated with them. Again, be open. Use your intuition. Connect with what resonates. And in all things let Spirit lead. 

Electronic Decks

I mentioned earlier that Gabi’s decks are available as apps, but there are many decks available that way. Though it’s nice to use physical cards in my sacred practice, having an app is a great way to connect from anywhere. 

I’ve enjoyed the Indie-Goes Oracle Cards app because it’s a great way to have several decks all in one app. They also let you try new ones for several days before buying them, which is great because you get a sense of whether it resonates for you. I’ve specifically enjoyed their Soul Wisdom and Wisdom Within decks. Again, this is a great way to enjoy a sacred moment anywhere at any time. 

In Closing 

As a final note, I’ll add that all these pictures are actually from my sacred practices (thus the periodic dust and dog fur that you may see in some of my shots LOL). I document heavily so I’m able to give you peeks into what I actually did because I have those moments captured and can share them. For me, the staging of my  cards and stones/crystals/wands and documenting them is part of my practice. 

The Spirit Animal Deck’s OWL SPIRIT card, which begins “You see clearly now. Owl spirit arrives to remind you that the wisdom within you is informed by your keen senses and the wisdom within the consciousness we all share…” Shown with Stromatolite and Banded Jasper spheres, a Blue Onyx free form, and a stunning Aegirine with Black Kyanite, Tigers Eye and Apache Tear Obsidian wand created by @HandmadeWithLove333

As I share in my About page, I keep an album for each of my stones/crystals and so the documented moments go in the albums for each connected piece. It creates a beautiful history of each one’s use. I also have an album for my card pulls. And on all of it, I include notes in the captions so I can revisit them. Spirit will sometimes lead me back to things using this documentation and bring greater revelation later when I’m ready for more. 

As I mentioned in my earlier note, journaling – and by this I mean any kind of documentation (I highly recommend the 5-Minute Journal app as an easy and searchable way to document things. They have a spot for you to add your own section, and so I made a “crystals of the day” section where I note what I used and the intuitive download that came with it. It’s just another easy way to reference things and see my journey over time. 

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