Crystal Life Blessings
Where to Start
Fundamental Stones
Fundamental Metaphysics
Basic Usage
Wisdom, Usage, & Metaphysics (list)
Stones/Crystals by Name
Stones by Chakra (Energy Center)
Visual List of Stones/Crystals
Metaphysics, Intuition, & Usage
Crystal Life Affirmations Decks
Buy deck 1
Wisdom, Usage, & Metaphysics (list)
Black Tourmaline vs. Smoky Quartz: An Empath’s Guide
Burning Palo Santo or Sage for Energy Clearing
Crystal Grid Basics
Decks / Oracle Cards Basics
Do Stones/Crystals have Metaphysical Properties?
Doing a New Moon Card Pull
Harmonizing Energy: Platonic Solids & Chakras with the 5 Bodies & Auric Layers
How-To Combine Crystal Properties
How-To Combine Crystals
How-To Do New Moon Intention Setting
Map of Consciousness: Where is Your Energy?
Owning What is Yours (and Resisting Taking on What Isn’t)
Reiki Introduction & the 5 Reiki Principles
Why Set Intentions: Drawing the Target
burning Palo Santo powder, a chlorite-included lemurian quartz point, and a card from a D4Yart Deck