Tag: Chakra: Third Eye

  • Moonstone


    Moonstone See the Unseen Affirmation: I trust that what I need to know will be revealed to me. That information I need makes it’s way to me in perfect timing. And that my subconsciousness brings to the surface anything I need to be conscious of. My senses – both spiritual and natural – are keen.…

  • Sodalite


    Sodalite Vocalizing Affirmation: My voice matters. I don’t need to strive to make myself heard, but rather trust that as I am willing to speak with authenticity and truth, the Universe will amplify it for me. My primary desire is to align with the highest good, which diminishes any desire to be “right” – I…

  • Pietersite


    Pietersite Bold Faith Affirmation: I trust myself and my intuition, so I confidently act on what I sense – trusting it’s not just in my best interest, but for the highest good. So I speak boldly, feel deeply, and live from a place of expansion and love – without fear, for I am beautiful and…

  • Lapis Lazuli

    Lapis Lazuli

    Lapis Lazuli Higher Mind Affirmation: I align with my higher self and elevate to that thinking. I see things clearly and objectively, rather than distorted through emotions. I am aware and at peace. My desire is to ever make choices that align with the highest good, for I know that’s in the best interest of…

  • Labradorite


    Labradorite Intuition Affirmation: I am open to the wisdom of the Universe. My senses are keen and attuned. I listen to the whispers, and heed my intuition. I trust my mind to understand that which my spirit discerns, for I have eyes to see and ears to hear and trust I am divinely led. Labradorite…

  • Amethyst


    Amethyst Ascension Affirmation: I choose to be still, and I choose to listen. I allow the voice of heaven to wash over me and bring revelation and encouragement. I ground myself in that Spirit of truth. I am present in this moment and yet I am eternal. I am the bridge between those two realities,…