Tag: stillness

  • Vanadinite


    Vanadinite Take Action Affirmation: Creativity flows to and through me. And with that ingenuity comes the practical steps needed to bring ideas to life. And so I take one step at a time – moving towards my goals (both big and small), and see my visions come to life.  Vanadinite with Golden Rutile and Smoky Quartz with…

  • Scolecite


    Scolecite Introvert Recharge Affirmation: I pour out, and then I recharge. I know when I share my energy, that I will also take the time needed to restore it. So I give of myself freely, and then I give to myself what I need to feed my soul. I love the way I am made,…

  • Jasper (Kambaba) / Kambaba Jasper

    Jasper (Kambaba) / Kambaba Jasper

    Kambaba Jasper is also known as Crocodile Jasper and Green Stromatolite Kambaba Jasper Static Release Affirmation: I am still, and my heart is safe. I breathe and feel myself tuning in more acutely to my intuition. My focus sharpens as the worries and distractions of the world fade away. I am present in this moment,…

  • Meditation: Healing Stillness

    Meditation: Healing Stillness

    Affirmation: I embrace stillness, for I know it is a place that brings forth life. So I am intentional to make time and space to cultivate that quiet state to make room for inner healing to occur – even when it’s messy. And I extend grace to myself in the process because I cannot determine…