Tag: shielding

  • Sugilite


    Sugilite HIP (Highly Sensitive Person) Support Affirmation: I am safe and all is well. I am protected and grounded, safely held in the arms of the Universe. I am at peace and my inner landscape is still. All is well and I am safe.  Sugilite Inner Child Healing Affirmation: I love myself. I see myself…

  • Pyrite


    Pyrite Affluence & Abundance Affirmation: Everything I need comes to me with ease, and creative ideas abound. I flow in abundance, and I embody affluence. I walk in success and favor. I am generous, I am blessed, and I am grateful.  Pyrite – 43mm ball – Invigorating, brings increase with balance (e.g. creativity and the…

  • Black Tourmaline vs. Smoky Quartz: An Empath’s Guide

    Black Tourmaline vs. Smoky Quartz: An Empath’s Guide

    Many of the grounding/protective stones get used interchangeably, and from one perspective it makes sense because there are overlapping properties; however the subtle differences can be very helpful when putting them to use.  When I was relatively new to working with crystals, a conversation with a fellow empath gave me some clarity on when I’d…

  • Tourmaline (Black) / Black Tourmaline

    Tourmaline (Black) / Black Tourmaline

    Black Tourmaline Affirmation: I am grounded and safe. My energy is my energy, and other people’s energy belongs to them. I am able to have compassion without taking on their burdens. So I meet anger with patience, resentment with understanding, and impatience with kindness. I am grateful that though I may walk near someone else’s…