Meditation: Healing Flow of Unconditional Love
Affirmation: My heart is worth healing, and my feelings are worth seeing. I listen to the story they tell with compassion and not judgement. I treat myself with honor and respect because if I don’t give it to myself, I shouldn’t expect anyone else to. I am worth loving, worth caring for, worth listening to.…
Tourmaline (Black) in Quartz
Black Tourmaline Rutile in Quartz is also known as Tourmalinated Quartz Tourmalinated Quartz Situational Harmony Affirmation: I surrender any need to be “right” and simply align my heart with the highest good. We are all one – connected together – so I pause to breathe into that oneness, trusting that as I do harmony manifests.…
Amazonite Grief Relief Affirmation: I see and acknowledge my feelings. I embrace any grief and sorrow, knowing they are a sign of how deeply I love. So I extend gratitude for the beautiful way I am wired, and for the gift of life – however tumultuous it may be. I am grateful to be alive.…
Scolecite Introvert Recharge Affirmation: I pour out, and then I recharge. I know when I share my energy, that I will also take the time needed to restore it. So I give of myself freely, and then I give to myself what I need to feed my soul. I love the way I am made,…
Garnierite is also known as Green Moonstone Garnierite Abundant Love Affirmation: I rest in an abundance of Love. I love myself deeply, and from that full reservoir of emotion, I share that love with the world around me – in the form of patience, compassion, understanding, grace, forgiveness, and so much more because I have…
Moonstone (Black) / Black Moonstone
Black Moonstone Shadow Work Affirmation: I am safe, and I view myself through the eyes of compassion. I am unafraid to look at what I see as the broken, wounded, and even ugly parts of myself – because I am a survivor. I am a work in progress. So I refuse to condemn myself for…
Calcite (Cobalto) / Cobalto Calcite
Cobalto Calcite Self-Love Affirmation: I love myself. I value myself. I treat myself with respect because I am worth respecting. I refuse to allow anyone to determine my value because the truth is: I am priceless. So I cherish myself for the imperfectly perfect soul that I am because regardless of whether anyone else loves…
Note: sometimes called Green Kunzite Hiddenite Forgiveness & Heart-Healing Affirmation: I pause to see and acknowledge any areas where my heart feels bruised and wounded. Then I choose to breathe and release any energy I’m still holding over those areas. I forgive those who’ve hurt me because I believe my healing is more important than…
Quartz (Rose) / Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz Self-Love Affirmation: I see myself with love: who I was, who I am now, and who I am becoming. I forgive myself. I accept myself. And I embrace myself for the beautiful person that I am. I love myself and I am made from Love. Rose Quartz (Dendritic) with Ruby and Quartz with…
Opal (Pink) / Pink Opal
Pink Opal Affirmation: I embrace the essence of who I am, and from that place of love and acceptance, beautiful transformation comes forth. I see myself, and I accept myself for who I am: a beautiful work in progress who is growing and leveling up every day. Pink Opal (with Dendrites) – 48mm ball –…