Tag: Chakra: Sacral

  • Harmonizing Energy: Platonic Solids & Chakras with the 5 Bodies & Auric Layers

    Harmonizing Energy: Platonic Solids & Chakras with the 5 Bodies & Auric Layers

    This post explores the fascinating connection between the five energy bodies, chakras, auric layers and sacred geometry. While I’m not an expert in these areas, I found this framework helpful and wanted to share it as a resource for those interested in deepening their energy work. Exploring Energy Alignment Through Sacred Geometry Sacred geometry offers…

  • Vanadinite


    Vanadinite Take Action Affirmation: Creativity flows to and through me. And with that ingenuity comes the practical steps needed to bring ideas to life. And so I take one step at a time – moving towards my goals (both big and small), and see my visions come to life.  Vanadinite with Golden Rutile and Smoky Quartz with…

  • Garnet


    Garnet Powerful Life Affirmation: I am strong, and my energy is powerful and abundant. I use it and it replenishes quickly. My mind is sharp, and ideas flow and are put into action – my talents on display to bless the greater whole. I am a force for good.  I love life and it flows through…

  • Calcite (Orange) / Orange Calcite

    Calcite (Orange) / Orange Calcite

    Orange Calcite Awakened Creativity Affirmation: I feel my creative energy sparking and ideas increase in flow, and with them comes the wisdom for executing those ideas. I release the things that distract me from my passion, and instead pour forth life and share it with the world at large. I release fear and embrace joy,…

  • Sunstone


    Sunstone Light & Joy Affirmation: I embrace light and joy, and I choose to expand my consciousness. I step into higher levels of thought and open myself to wisdom and understanding that exceed my natural ability. I am a vessel of Light, and I share that light with the world.  Sunstone Affluence Affirmation: I don’t…

  • Carnelian


    Carnelian Purpose Affirmation: I have steadfastness of purpose. I trust that I know the steps ahead and move towards them with purpose and confidence. I love life, and I am grateful to be alive. I was born for this moment, and I am fully committed to being myself because I am a gift to the…