Meditation: Stand Firm and Step Into My Power
Affirmation: I stand firm and step into my power. I release any past disappointments and settle into a joy-filled expectation of good. What is coming is for me. I don’t have to control it. I yield to Spirit’s flow, knowing that the road rises to meet me as I step forward on my path and…
Quartz (Dendritic) / Dendritic Quartz
Dendritic Quartz Grow and Flourish Affirmation: Everything I touch prospers and grows. My finances, creative endeavors, and health all are in bloom. I draw positive people and good fortune into my sphere, and I sow that beauty and bounty back into the world around me. For we all win when we prosper together, like a…
Quartz (Rutile, Golden) / Golden Rutile Quartz
Golden Rutile Energy Shift Affirmation: Because my desire is to align with the highest good, I am intentional to do energy shifts as needed. So whether I’m simply tweaking myself back into place or doing a massive shift, I know I am supported and able to release whatever doesn’t serve. I choose to elevate my…
Ruby Kyanite
Ruby Kyanite Balancing Affirmation: I breathe and feel myself center and come into balance. I see clearly my responsibilities in life, and am able to successfully balance them with my spiritual walk. I am balanced in my sense of grounded wellbeing, and yet comfortable speaking my truth and living authentically without fear of man. I…
Colombianite Illumination Affirmation: My discernment is sharp, and understanding flows with my intuition. Things that were murky and obscure, suddenly become clear. I trust that things I need to know are brought into my awareness in perfect timing, and I refuse to waste my time worrying about the rest. Colombianite in Copper with Carnelian adjuster…
Amethyst Ascension Affirmation: I choose to be still, and I choose to listen. I allow the voice of heaven to wash over me and bring revelation and encouragement. I ground myself in that Spirit of truth. I am present in this moment and yet I am eternal. I am the bridge between those two realities,…
Sugilite HIP (Highly Sensitive Person) Support Affirmation: I am safe and all is well. I am protected and grounded, safely held in the arms of the Universe. I am at peace and my inner landscape is still. All is well and I am safe. Sugilite Inner Child Healing Affirmation: I love myself. I see myself…
Quartz (Chlorite) / Chlorite Quartz
Chlorite Quartz Healing Flow Affirmation: Healing washes over me – every cell and molecule kissed by its touch. I receive. I receive healing. I receive wholeness. I am refreshed and restored. I am made new. Polish Flint with Himalayan Chlorite Phantom Quartz and Beta Quartz – 2.5” wand pendant – encourages uplifting energy and optimism,…