Meditation: Stand Firm and Step Into My Power
Affirmation: I stand firm and step into my power. I release any past disappointments and settle into a joy-filled expectation of good. What is coming is for me. I don’t have to control it. I yield to Spirit’s flow, knowing that the road rises to meet me as I step forward on my path and…
Hypersthene is also referred to as Velvet Labradorite Hypersthene Sharpened Senses Affirmation: I connect to the stillness within, and clarity sharpens as static disappears. Since my spiritual senses are unhindered, my insight and intuition are heightened. Wisdom flows to me with ease, and the revelation that comes is profound. Limitations are removed, and my discernment…
Serpentine Aligned for Breakthrough Affirmation: My heart is aligned for breakthrough. I shed anything holding me back or dragging me down, and I rest in a place of forgiveness and healing. In that enlightened and unburdened state, abundance and prosperity hurry to me. I attract blessings and beauty on every side. Life is good. Serpentine…
Quartz (Rutile, Golden) / Golden Rutile Quartz
Golden Rutile Energy Shift Affirmation: Because my desire is to align with the highest good, I am intentional to do energy shifts as needed. So whether I’m simply tweaking myself back into place or doing a massive shift, I know I am supported and able to release whatever doesn’t serve. I choose to elevate my…
Meditation: Cognizant and Grateful
Affirmation: Everything I need, manifests around me. I see the blessings surrounding me and I am overwhelmed with gratitude. I release fears and limitations, and I focus on the strength, beauty, and blessing that is already mine. I prosper in every area, and I cultivate that in myself and those around me. Record Keeper Ruby…