Tag: Lodolite Quartz

  • Quartz (Smoky Lodolite) / Smoky Lodolite Quartz

    Quartz (Smoky Lodolite) / Smoky Lodolite Quartz

    Smoky Lodolite Quartz Deep Cleanse Affirmation: I breathe and release any tension and worry from my system. I breathe and release any  frustration or anger that I may have been harboring. I breathe and release any self-hatred, judgement, or criticism. I want to be light and free, and so I embrace any bruised or wounded parts…

  • Quartz (Lodolite) / Lodolite Quartz

    Quartz (Lodolite) / Lodolite Quartz

    Lodolite Quartz is also known as Garden Quartz and Shamanic Dream Quartz Lodolite (Garden) Quartz Empower by Light Affirmation: I am filled with and empowered by Light. I am intentional to use this power wisely, but I am also intentional to use it. I refuse to waste the gifts I’ve been given, but rather I…