Meditation: Creative Inspiration
Affirmation: My creative ideas flow from a sense of awe and wonder. I choose to play, and let ideas flow – listening and watching them with curiosity rather than judgement. I find ideas and solutions presenting themselves that I wouldn’t otherwise have considered. I am deeply grateful for my intuition and being able to rest…
Scolecite Introvert Recharge Affirmation: I pour out, and then I recharge. I know when I share my energy, that I will also take the time needed to restore it. So I give of myself freely, and then I give to myself what I need to feed my soul. I love the way I am made,…
Dumortierite Wise & Disciplined Affirmation: Because I am vested in seeing my goals and intentions manifest, I’m intentional to act with discipline. I make choices that benefit my future self, and not simply what’s easiest today. I catch the vision, and have the passion to pursue it, the wisdom to determine the right course, the…
Ruby Kyanite
Ruby Kyanite Balancing Affirmation: I breathe and feel myself center and come into balance. I see clearly my responsibilities in life, and am able to successfully balance them with my spiritual walk. I am balanced in my sense of grounded wellbeing, and yet comfortable speaking my truth and living authentically without fear of man. I…
Colombianite Illumination Affirmation: My discernment is sharp, and understanding flows with my intuition. Things that were murky and obscure, suddenly become clear. I trust that things I need to know are brought into my awareness in perfect timing, and I refuse to waste my time worrying about the rest. Colombianite in Copper with Carnelian adjuster…
Sodalite Vocalizing Affirmation: My voice matters. I don’t need to strive to make myself heard, but rather trust that as I am willing to speak with authenticity and truth, the Universe will amplify it for me. My primary desire is to align with the highest good, which diminishes any desire to be “right” – I…
Pietersite Bold Faith Affirmation: I trust myself and my intuition, so I confidently act on what I sense – trusting it’s not just in my best interest, but for the highest good. So I speak boldly, feel deeply, and live from a place of expansion and love – without fear, for I am beautiful and…