Tourmaline (Black) in Quartz
Black Tourmaline Rutile in Quartz is also known as Tourmalinated Quartz Tourmalinated Quartz Situational Harmony Affirmation: I surrender any need to be “right” and simply align my heart with the highest good. We are all one – connected together – so I pause to breathe into that oneness, trusting that as I do harmony manifests.…
Opal (Dendritic) / Dendritic Opal
Dendritic Opal (as well as Dendritic Agate) is also known as Merlinite (not to be confused with Mystic Merlinite, which is another name for Indigo Gabbro) Dendritic Opal Content & Grateful Affirmation: I see and am blessed by the bounty that surrounds me. I take time to enjoy and connect with all I’ve been given…
Quartz (Amphibole, Blue) / Blue Amphibole Quartz
Blue Amphibole Peaceful Communication Affirmation: My communications are harmonious and strong. I am intentional to create a space that is safe for all to be heard. I focus on the highest good and what is right (rather than simply my opinion and trying to be right). I give honor and respect, and am honored and…
Rhodonite Heart-Healthy Affirmation: I am calm and compassionate. I forgive easily and I release emotional wounds so that my heart heals well. I am an overcomer. I am confident and grounded. I love well and easily. I enjoy life. Pink Rhodonite (Manganese) – 58x42mm egg – Emotional balancer; encourages healing, compassion, and forgiveness; clears emotional…
Nundoorite (Nunderite)
Nundoorite Relational Harmony Affirmation: I embrace harmony. I intentionally choose the highest good, and I do so that we might all “win.” We are not in competition, but rather we are here to coexist and collaborate in love. So I am patient and kind, forgiving and forthright – I choose to release any hard feelings…