Quartz (Smoky Lodolite) / Smoky Lodolite Quartz
Smoky Lodolite Quartz Deep Cleanse Affirmation: I breathe and release any tension and worry from my system. I breathe and release any frustration or anger that I may have been harboring. I breathe and release any self-hatred, judgement, or criticism. I want to be light and free, and so I embrace any bruised or wounded parts…
Dumortierite Wise & Disciplined Affirmation: Because I am vested in seeing my goals and intentions manifest, I’m intentional to act with discipline. I make choices that benefit my future self, and not simply what’s easiest today. I catch the vision, and have the passion to pursue it, the wisdom to determine the right course, the…
Quartz (Rutile, Golden) / Golden Rutile Quartz
Golden Rutile Energy Shift Affirmation: Because my desire is to align with the highest good, I am intentional to do energy shifts as needed. So whether I’m simply tweaking myself back into place or doing a massive shift, I know I am supported and able to release whatever doesn’t serve. I choose to elevate my…
Labradorite Intuition Affirmation: I am open to the wisdom of the Universe. My senses are keen and attuned. I listen to the whispers, and heed my intuition. I trust my mind to understand that which my spirit discerns, for I have eyes to see and ears to hear and trust I am divinely led. Labradorite…
Obsidian Relational-Offense Release Affirmation: I choose to release any hard feelings I may be harboring. I open myself to see clearly the motivations on all sides – but not so that I may get stuck there, but rather so I can move through into a place of love and peace. So I choose to forgive.…