Tag: Fundamental Stones

If you’re new to crystals, these are some great ones to start with that every collection should have (the classics are classics for a reason!)

  • Hematite


    Hematite Confidence Boost Affirmation: I believe in myself. I am competent and strong, confident and sure, and I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. I am a force to be reckoned with. I always have the support I need, when I need it. And I am surrounded by people who believe in me,…

  • Agate


    Agate Angst-Releasing Affirmation: I embrace a sense of peace and wellbeing. I choose to release any angst (whether that be fear, anger, bitterness, or frustration) by shifting my energy and releasing any thoughts that focus me towards it. Instead, I breathe and ground myself in this moment. I am calm. I am safe. All is…

  • Quartz (Lodolite) / Lodolite Quartz

    Quartz (Lodolite) / Lodolite Quartz

    Lodolite Quartz is also known as Garden Quartz and Shamanic Dream Quartz Lodolite (Garden) Quartz Empower by Light Affirmation: I am filled with and empowered by Light. I am intentional to use this power wisely, but I am also intentional to use it. I refuse to waste the gifts I’ve been given, but rather I…

  • Moonstone


    Moonstone See the Unseen Affirmation: I trust that what I need to know will be revealed to me. That information I need makes it’s way to me in perfect timing. And that my subconsciousness brings to the surface anything I need to be conscious of. My senses – both spiritual and natural – are keen.…

  • Labradorite


    Labradorite Intuition Affirmation: I am open to the wisdom of the Universe. My senses are keen and attuned. I listen to the whispers, and heed my intuition. I trust my mind to understand that which my spirit discerns, for I have eyes to see and ears to hear and trust I am divinely led. Labradorite…

  • Jasper (Ocean) / Ocean Jasper (OJ)

    Jasper (Ocean) / Ocean Jasper (OJ)

    Ocean Jasper (OJ) Peace, Healing & Refreshing Affirmation: I breathe and feel any tension in my body loosen and release. I am calm and at peace. Healing washes over me, and I feel my senses being revitalized. My mind feels sharp and my body feels strong. I am grateful for life because it is good. …

  • Quartz (Clear) / Clear Quartz

    Quartz (Clear) / Clear Quartz

    Clear Quartz Healing Ascension Affirmation: I open myself to the wisdom of the Universe. I step in to full clarity and revelation – fundamental truths are apparent, and they are manifest all around me. I am healed and whole. I am light and life. And my energy aligns with the vibration of heaven, for I…

  • Quartz (Rose) / Rose Quartz

    Quartz (Rose) / Rose Quartz

    Rose Quartz Self-Love Affirmation: I see myself with love: who I was, who I am now, and who I am becoming. I forgive myself. I accept myself. And I embrace myself for the beautiful person that I am. I love myself and I am made from Love.  Rose Quartz (Dendritic) with Ruby and Quartz with…

  • Tourmaline (Black) / Black Tourmaline

    Tourmaline (Black) / Black Tourmaline

    Black Tourmaline Affirmation: I am grounded and safe. My energy is my energy, and other people’s energy belongs to them. I am able to have compassion without taking on their burdens. So I meet anger with patience, resentment with understanding, and impatience with kindness. I am grateful that though I may walk near someone else’s…

  • Quartz (Smoky) / Smoky Quartz

    Quartz (Smoky) / Smoky Quartz

    Smoky Quartz Release Affirmation: I am grateful for the way I’m wired. I’m blessed that I feel deeply – I love that about myself. But though I may feel things deeply, I am still able to release them and move on rather than burdening myself unnecessarily.  Crushing myself under the weight of feelings – whether related…