Calcite (Caribbean) / Caribbean Calcite
Caribbean Calcite Just Chill Affirmation: I am cool and collected. I am calm and at ease. Peace is mine and I stay firmly rooted in it regardless of what happens around me. I breathe and declare, “All is well.” Caribbean Calcite – 65mm ball – Cultivates sense of well-being, helps decrease stress and anger, grounding…
Calcite (Chocolate) / Chocolate Calcite
Chocolate Calcite is also known as Root Beer Calcite Chocolate Calcite Flourishing Affirmation: I receive all the experiences Life brings me as the fertilizer for my future growth. I flourish. I am an unstoppable force for good – filled with joy and cultivating harmony. I am strong, and my roots go deep. My dreams unfold…
Calcite (Cobalto) / Cobalto Calcite
Cobalto Calcite Self-Love Affirmation: I love myself. I value myself. I treat myself with respect because I am worth respecting. I refuse to allow anyone to determine my value because the truth is: I am priceless. So I cherish myself for the imperfectly perfect soul that I am because regardless of whether anyone else loves…
Calcite (Orange) / Orange Calcite
Orange Calcite Awakened Creativity Affirmation: I feel my creative energy sparking and ideas increase in flow, and with them comes the wisdom for executing those ideas. I release the things that distract me from my passion, and instead pour forth life and share it with the world at large. I release fear and embrace joy,…