Tag: Chakra: Base/Root

  • Ruby


    Ruby Prosperity Affirmation: I see goodness all around me, and everything I need comes to me quickly and with ease. I prosper, and I flow in wisdom, health, and abundance. I dream big, and I step forward into those dreams and see them manifest all around me. I am strong and courageous, kind and generous,…

  • Pyrite


    Pyrite Affluence & Abundance Affirmation: Everything I need comes to me with ease, and creative ideas abound. I flow in abundance, and I embody affluence. I walk in success and favor. I am generous, I am blessed, and I am grateful.  Pyrite – 43mm ball – Invigorating, brings increase with balance (e.g. creativity and the…

  • Obsidian


    Obsidian Relational-Offense Release Affirmation: I choose to release any hard feelings I may be harboring. I open myself to see clearly the motivations on all sides – but not so that I may get stuck there, but rather so I can move through into a place of love and peace. So I choose to forgive.…

  • Tourmaline (Black) / Black Tourmaline

    Tourmaline (Black) / Black Tourmaline

    Black Tourmaline Affirmation: I am grounded and safe. My energy is my energy, and other people’s energy belongs to them. I am able to have compassion without taking on their burdens. So I meet anger with patience, resentment with understanding, and impatience with kindness. I am grateful that though I may walk near someone else’s…

  • Quartz (Smoky) / Smoky Quartz

    Quartz (Smoky) / Smoky Quartz

    Smoky Quartz Release Affirmation: I am grateful for the way I’m wired. I’m blessed that I feel deeply – I love that about myself. But though I may feel things deeply, I am still able to release them and move on rather than burdening myself unnecessarily.  Crushing myself under the weight of feelings – whether related…

  • Citrine (Smoky) / Smoky Citrine

    Citrine (Smoky) / Smoky Citrine

    Smoky Citrine Joy & Creativity Affirmation: I radiate joy, and I cultivate it by reminding myself of the many blessings in my life. And in those moments of quiet reflection, creativity abounds because my intuition shows me the way. (If the meditation above isn’t showing, you can also find it directly on YouTube) Smoky Citrine…

  • Agate (Rutilated) / Rutilated Agate

    Agate (Rutilated) / Rutilated Agate

    Rutilated Agate Mental Acuity Affirmation:  My mind is sharp and clear. I understand things easily and remember them well. I am in control of my thoughts, so I refuse to waste time on ones that distract or derail me, and instead I cultivate a mental atmosphere of stillness and surety.  Rutilated Agate Self-Acceptance Affirmation: I love…