Tag: authenticity

  • Quartz (Lithium) / Lithium Quartz

    Quartz (Lithium) / Lithium Quartz

    Lithium Quartz also known as Blue Smoke Quartz or Blue Mist Quartz Lithium Quartz Beautifully Unique Affirmation: I am at peace with the unique wonder that is me. I don’t need to try to be like anyone else. I bring a beautiful and distinct flavor to the world that no one else can. I am…

  • Sodalite


    Sodalite Vocalizing Affirmation: My voice matters. I don’t need to strive to make myself heard, but rather trust that as I am willing to speak with authenticity and truth, the Universe will amplify it for me. My primary desire is to align with the highest good, which diminishes any desire to be “right” – I…