Stones by Chakra (Energy Center)

overview of chakras (energy centers): from top of head which is the crown, to the forehead which is the third eye, to the throat, then heart, then solar plexus, then the sacral which is where a womb falls on a woman, and finally the base or root chakra which is at the bottom of our spine/pelvic region


Crown Chakra (Energy Center) is connected to our enlightenment, understanding, and connection to Spirit – our ability to “know”.

Third Eye

Third Eye Chakra (Energy Center) is connected to our intuition and wisdom – our ability to “see”.


Throat Chakra (Energy Center) is connected to communications – our ability to “express”.


Heart Chakra (Energy Center) is connected to our heart and emotions – our ability to “love”.

Solar Plexus

Solar Plexus Chakra (Energy Center) is connected to our will and personal power – our ability to “act”.


Sacral Chakra (Energy Center) is connected to our creative core and sexuality – our ability to “feel”.

Root / Base

Root / Base Chakra (Energy Center) is connected to our physical existence and needs – our ability to “be”.

All Chakras

All Chakras (Energy Centers) – certain elements assist with aligning and activating all the chakras (though they also may be more specifically connected to one)

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