Quartz (Smoky Lodolite) / Smoky Lodolite Quartz

Metaphysical Properties Summary:

  • fosters heightened connection between heaven and earth/spiritual and natural realms
  • grounding and anchoring
  • transmutes negative energy to positive
  • lifts depression and increases compassion towards self
  • absorbs stress
  • encourages mental acuity
  • helps you release negative emotions and patterns
  • sexual trauma support/healing

Chakra Alignment

Below are the chakra(s) this stone/crystal aligns with (and as there is some varying of opinion, you may be led to use it with one not listed, which is totally fine! As always let intuition lead.)

Root / Base Chakra (Energy Center) is connected to our physical existence and needs – our ability to “be”.


Smoky Lodolite Quartz Deep Cleanse Affirmation: I breathe and release any tension and worry from my system. I breathe and release any  frustration or anger that I may have been harboring. I breathe and release any self-hatred, judgement, or criticism. I want to be light and free, and so I embrace any bruised or wounded parts of myself, and I release any residual hurt I may still be holding. I breathe in light and healing. New life fills me. I am invigorated. I am at peace. All is well. 

This is part of Crystal Life Affirmations deck 1 (BUY IT NOW)


Element(s) used in Meditation(s)

Specimen(s) Specifics and Metaphysical Properties. FYI the meanings/uses/properties I list below are not exhaustive, but rather identify the ones I’ve come into agreement with for my particular piece(s). Also I sometimes note specific crystal formations and the properties connected to them, the details of which can be found in @IrisUnique’s fabulous free online Encyclopedia of Crystal Formations and she has wonderful classes in her Crystal Formation School. And also just to note, the stunning red root background my pieces are typically photographed on is from @BurlwoodBeauty by way of the @SoundShamaness.

Smoky Lodolite Quartz from our #SmokyLodoliteQuartz meditation featuring a pair of spheres from @TheLemurianRose and @SoulOfLemuria a large point also from @SoulOfLemuria and a big sphere from @SoundShamaness (which is also where the gorgeous wood under it came from too)

Smoky Lodolite Quartz with Anatase – 43mm ball – the discernment stone, fosters heightened connection between heaven and earth/spiritual and natural realms, grounding and anchoring, transmutes negative energy to positive, lifts depression increases compassion towards self, absorbs stress, encourages mental acuity, helps you release negative emotions and patterns, sexually cleansing/clarifying/healing #SmokyQuartz #LodaliteQuartz #Anatase from @SoulOfLemuria formerly #CrystalAddictCloset 

Smoky Lodolite Quartz with Anatase (visible) and Manifestation – 44mm ball – the discernment stone, fosters heightened connection between heaven and earth/spiritual and natural realms, grounding and anchoring, transmutes negative energy to positive, lifts depression increases compassion towards self, absorbs stress, encourages mental acuity, helps you release negative emotions and patterns, sexually cleansing/clarifying/healing. MANIFESTATION (formation) – fosters manifestation, helps to identify and remove blocks to manifestation, cultivates an expectation of the miraculous #SmokyQuartz #LodaliteQuartz #Anatase from @TheLemurianRose 

Lodolite Island (Kaolinite) Smoky Quartz with Rutile and Message Plates – 83mm ball – cultivates abundance, assists with manifestation, helps align and heal energy, promotes spiritual growth, facilitates self-revelation without condemnation and encourages forgiveness and healthy change, supports energy during a release or shift, encourages raising one’s consciousness to the highest level, helps clear energy blockages, assists in attuning to your divine purpose, heightens discernment, encourages greater clarity and focus, uplifting in all areas, links root and crown chakras. Kaolinite (island) – helps to overcome obstacles / hurdles, encourages focus especially on pursuit of goal, cultivates compassion towards self especially with lower vibration energy, helps us to deal with life events, helps with physical elimination as well as skin clearing, soothing, helps us be very aware of choices and our ability to choose (empowering), cultivates authority #LodoliteQuartz #GardenQuartz #GoldenRutileQuartz from @SoundShamaness

Phantom Smoky Lodolite Quartz with Anatase and Pyrite inclusions and Penetrator – 6” chunky point with record keepers – the discernment stone, fosters heightened connection between heaven and earth/spiritual and natural realms, grounding and anchoring, transmutes negative energy to positive, lifts depression increases compassion towards self, absorbs stress, encourages mental acuity, helps you release negative emotions and patterns, sexually cleansing/clarifying/healing #SmokyQuartz #LodaliteQuartz #Anatase from @SoulOfLemuria formerly #CrystalAddictCloset

Background sound: a piece from Zen Music or a scene from the Calm App – @calm (which I highly recommend), and periodically you may also hear me using my light language as I’m in the meditation. This is simply a connection and flow from Spirit, and sometimes it’s an impartation for the viewer to receive (should they choose to). 

Background ambiance: burning Palo Santo smoke. Properties: purifying, energy cleansing, inspiring creativity, encourages sense of well-being, fosters heightened spiritual connectivity, cultivates healing, helps block negative energy 

Smoky Lodolite Quartz properties recap: fosters heightened connection between heaven and earth/spiritual and natural realms, grounding and anchoring, transmutes negative energy to positive, lifts depression increases compassion towards self, absorbs stress, encourages mental acuity, helps you release negative emotions and patterns, sexual trauma support and healing. Meditations and more at CrystalLifeBlessings.com

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