My Disclaimer

I feel the need to pause to note that I’m intentional to share my thoughts and experiences in a way that is transparent without getting into belief sets. I do this because I know each of us is on a journey and I support everyone’s right to choose their path to the best of their ability (just as I assert my own right to the same). I’m not here to argue beliefs, but rather to share my perspective which you are welcome to ponder or dismiss as you see fit

As I also shared on my About page, I’ll also note that perspective is subject to change as I grow and learn, but I’m sharing along the way. So feel free to “eat the meat and spit out the bones” so to speak. Take whatever is for you, and leave the rest – just resist the urge to argue about it. Questions and discussion are fine as long as they’re respectful. 

During this journey I’ve had to learn to set aside trigger words, and instead listen to what people are actually saying about their rituals and beliefs. For example, the first time someone spoke to me about oracle cards, I was deeply disturbed because I was convinced they were not ok. Spirit checked me, and asked me what I thought an oracle was. I knew from the question that I should look up the meaning of the word, which was “one who speaks on behalf of a deity.” As someone who has spent a large portion of my adult life doing exactly that, I had to laugh when I read it. 

Immediately, I realized that like with the prophetic, the words are only as good as the vessel it comes through. If someone spends no time connected to Source and is unaccustomed to operating intuitively, what they pour forth will be lacking. But for those who are truly seeking the Divine / Source / Spirit / Oneness – regardless of beliefs – there will be truth to be found there (for those with a background in the bible, “the gifts are given without repentance”), and Spirit will speak to you if you will listen (remember that even in scripture, God spoke through the mouth of an ass).

All that to say when we refuse to listen because of judgment or fear, we do ourselves a disservice. Personally, I’ve had to retrain myself to be open and listen (rather than looking for areas of differences or focusing on points that support the beliefs I already have). Once I feel that I have a good sense of what’s being shared, I take the thoughts and ideas back to Source and we ponder them together. But regardless of whether I assimilate someone else’s ideas or not, I respect the authenticity of their journey

This reminds me of one of Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, which is to “seek first to understand rather than to be understood.” In seeking to understand, we often find similarities we might otherwise have missed because the descriptors were different. But when we listen from a place of humble curiosity without judgment, it’s amazing what we can learn (even if we don’t agree)

So I hope you find plenty on here to consider and connect with. I’ll close by saying these are my thoughts and beliefs, which I’m responsible for but you’re responsible for what you do with them (assume this encompasses my medical disclaimer – because it’s up to you to determine your best choice for care, and though I share thoughts here, you’re ultimately responsible with what you do with them). But I hope you’re blessed as you seek truth and insight and inspiration. Sending love and light