How-To Combine Crystal Properties

In How-To Combine Crystals, I talk about combining elements, and here we look at the implications of doing so from a metaphysical perspective. When combining Metaphysical Properties, I like to think of it as a multiplication rather than an addition. You don’t simply have the properties of two elements, you also have the resulting combination – just as you do in cooking where mixing multiple ingredients creates a new whole (like cake or bread instead of just flour, eggs, etc). 

As with all things metaphysical, I’m sure there’s many different ways to identify the combined meanings, but I’ve found I typically do one of three ways, so I’m going to share those with you. 


Since all these come from my personal usage notes, let me explain what you’re looking at so you can follow. You obviously don’t have to do it the same way, but here’s *a* way it can be done. You can see my basic documentation structure on my About page.

In my notes I paste the properties for each element in the combination (though not always in the case of grids simply because of the volume, but with those in most cases I’m familiar with the properties and so I’ll have a sense of the meaning simply by looking at the primary stone or stones). 

Once all the properties are in one place, I allow one from each to be highlighted to me and will add a couple asterisks beside the ones being highlighted. Then I note the combined meaning at the top (which I’ve bolded on here to make it easier for you to find). Below I share how I combine the meanings. 

Properties Addition (1 + 1)

Though I love the multiplication factor, I’d be remiss not to start by saying that the first and easiest is to not look for a multiplied meaning. Sometimes I’m in a rush or the properties listed are the ones I’m having highlighted. So here’s a couple examples of what that might look like from my real life combos (or what I call Pocket Checks). 

Purpurite and Amphibole Quartz #PocketCheck

Purpurite and Amphibole Quartz: inner peace and releasing self-imposed limitations 

Amphibole Quartz – 35mm ball – Supports encountering higher realms in meditation, encourages spiritual interaction (angelic encounters), heightens spiritual senses, **foster deep sense of inner peace and tranquility, cultivates harmony, protect your energy and guard against attack or drain #AmphiboleQuartz from #CrystalSupplier

Purpurite (Manganese Iron Phosphate) – 36mm ball – “Stone of Freedom,” helps **break self-imposed limitations, fosters connection with spiritual realm and ability to hear the Divine, encourages clarity, grounding and calming/soothing, encourages you towards your higher self #Purpurite from #BeneathTheCrescentNJ

Chrysoprase and Smoky Garden Quartz #PocketCheck

Chrysoprase and Smoky Garden Quartz: harmonizing and helps still overactive thoughts

Chrysoprase – 47x33mm egg – facilitates heightened spiritual attentiveness / hearing / understanding, heightens intuition, cultivates life, stabilizes and reenergizes emotions and encourages positive output, stimulates the release of toxic emotions, encourages a sense of well-being and tranquility, **helps still overactive thoughts, cultivates meditative state, encourages joy and love, attracts abundance #ChromeOpal #Chrysoprase from @TheGlobalStone

Smoky Garden Quartz with Rutile – 49×35 egg –  “stone of power” amplified intentions and energy, heightens spiritual awareness and cultivates tranquility for meditative state, illuminator of the soul, promotes spiritual growth, cleanses and energizes your aura, draws off negative energy (personal and that of those around you), **harmonizing, amplifies impact of spiritual actions, supports you through emotional trial, counters self-hatred and other negative emotions and promotes forgiveness, helps clear energy blockages #LodoliteQuartz #GardenQuartz from @Ascension.Gems 

Properties Multiplication (2×2)

Sometimes when you see the properties that were highlighted, they have an obvious correlation or come together smoothly. A couple examples of that might be:

Nundoorite and Blue Amphibole #PocketCheck
(LOL I must’ve just done my hair so please excuse the random strand tangled with the spheres!)

Nundoorite and Blue Amphibole: Fosters deep introspection and patience with one’s self

Nundoorite (aka Nunderite) [Aegirine (Green) and Orthoclase (Brown)] – 40mm ball – cultivates harmony, spiritually protective, helps dissolve negative emotions, encourages motivation, **fosters patience #Nundoorite from @TushitaHeaven

Blue Amphibole Quartz with Iron and Hematite inclusion – 41mm ball  – supports communication, supports encountering higher realms in meditation, encourages spiritual interaction (angelic encounters), heightens spiritual senses, foster deep sense of inner peace and tranquility, **encourages deep introspection, cultivates harmony, protect your energy and guard against attack or drain #BlueAmphibole from #CrystalSupplier

Super Seven and Shooting-Star Rutile: spiritual connection and growth #PocketCheck

Super Seven and Shooting-Star Rutile: spiritual connection and growth

Super Seven (Super7/Melody Stone) Red Rutile Amethyst – 33mm ball – Encourages healing at a high level, stimulates spiritual gifts and **connections with the spiritual realm and the Divine, awakens and aligns all chakras, amplifies other stones properties, fosters manifestations and personal power #SuperSeven #MelodyStone from @Enhydro_Crystal_Wholesale

Shooting-Star Rutile Light Smoky Quartz – 35mm ball – Helps align and heal energy, **promotes spiritual growth, facilitates self-revelation without condemnation and encourages forgiveness and healthy change, supports energy during a release or shift, encourages raising one’s consciousness to the highest level, helps clear energy blockages, assists in attuning to your divine purpose, assists with manifestation, heightens discernment, encourages greater clarity and focus, uplifting in all areas, links root and crown chakras #SmokyRutileQuartz from @Enhydro_Crystal_Wholesale

But sometimes the two ideas coalesce into a third idea that is birthed from the property “ingredients” so to speak. Below are a couple examples. 

Orange Calcite and Ocean Jasper #PocketCheck

Orange Calcite and Ocean Jasper: deep peace about releasing what is no longer needed

Orange Calcite – palm stone – Cleans and reenergizes the chakras (especially lower); awakens sacral chakra; **stimulates the elimination of waste physically, emotionally, and spiritually; draws prosperity and cultivates inner growth through heightened revelation and the wisdom to know how to act on it as well as the energy and drive to do so #OrangeCalcite from @LovingThyselfRocks 

Ocean Jasper – palm stone (heart of the ocean) – **Encourages deep relaxation and calm, fosters healing both emotional and physical, encourages deep introspection, deepens connection with nature #OceanJasper gift from @SoulBodyGems

Hematite and Blue Owyhee Opal #PocketCheck

Hematite and Blue Owyhee Opal: bold assurance

Hematite – shiva – Strong grounding effect, harmonizes the three bodies (mind, body, spirit), protective (dissolves negative energy), removes self-limitations, helps break addictive patterns, enhances memory, stimulates concentration and focus, **calms and soothes raw nerves #Hematite from @KingMurphysStones

Blue Owyhee Opal – shiva – encourages connection and interaction with the spiritual realm, raises consciousness, assists with understanding and articulating your thoughts, **encourages you to speak with confidence, fosters balance and gentle but intentional achievement of goals #BlueOpal #BlueOwyheeOpal from @LovingThyselfRocks 

Properties Multiplication Affirmations

Finally, one of my favorite things to do is to write a brief affirmation that comes from the combined meaning. This is a great way to really personalize and internalize what you’re coming into agreement with. And in the case of ones you’ll be carrying or seeing repeatedly, it’s a great way to have a tangible reminder to declare over yourself. 

Moldavite, Agni Manitite, and Black Tourmaline Rutile in Rainbow Quartz #PocketCheck

Moldavite, Agni Manitite, and Black Tourmaline Rutile in Rainbow Quartz: #CrystalAffirmation I release any fear of lack, and I embrace the truth that I am loved, all is well, and every need is met.

Moldavite – 12.6g half polished/half raw – Encourages you to break past any perceived limits or boundaries, stimulates imagination, draws prosperity and fruitfulness, opens you to higher levels of consciousness and the spiritual realm, accelerates spiritual growth, cultivates deep insight/intuition/understanding, **cultivates a sense of peace about provision and prosperity, encourages compassion and empathy, assists in finding the good in the midst of hardships #Moldavite from @crystals_for_days 

Agni Manitite – slice 42x30x7mm – “Pearl of Divine Fire” (literal translation), encourages choices that **cultivate true joy and happiness, encourages clarity of thinking (especially decision-making), encourages strength and positivity, helps with manifestation, cultivates creativity and connects to sacral chakra, deeply healing sacral energy #AgniManitite #Pseudotektite from @SacredGoddessNYC

Black Tourmaline Rutile in Rainbow Quartz – 43x40x24 small palm stone – Fosters harmony especially with seemingly opposite elements or opinions, **transmutes negative energy into positive, encourages positive emotional shifts, brings healing and acceptance to shadow areas and helps reverse self-hatred or self-sabotage, grounding and harmonizing, releases tension, encourages effective problem solving #TourmalinatedQuartz from @Enhydro_Crystal_Wholesale

Leopardskin Jasper, Faceted Smoky, and Blue Topaz #PocketCheck

Leopardskin Jasper, Faceted Smoky, and Blue Topaz: #CrystalAffirmation I embrace challenges because I know they are building my character

Leopardskin Jasper – 24mm ball – Encourages strength and vitality, a “protection” stone that encourages stability even in the face of chaos, **fosters peace in the face of hardship, encourages harmony in all areas, attracts situations/experiences that will best cultivate growth, encourages healing #LeopardskinJasper gift from @RocksForThePeople 

Faceted Smoky Lemurian Quartz – 32mm ball with flat bottom – grounding and anchoring, **transmutes negative energy to positive, lifts depression/suicidal thoughts and helps with nightmares, absorbs stress, helps you release negative emotions and patterns, cleansing/healing especially from abuse/neglect #SmokyQuartz #FacetedQuartz from @TheFacetedFern

Blue Topaz – 34x27mm egg – Raises consciousness, attunes you to your higher self, **helps you see the treasure you and your experiences and understanding are as well as helping you view them as the gift they are, fosters increased wisdom rooted in truth, stimulates prosperity in all areas, cultivates confident joy and candor, supports the pursuit and achievement of goals/growth #BlueTopaz from @TheGlobalStone / #TheRussianStone

In Conclusion 

Hopefully these ideas spark a system that works for you and truly allows you to maximize the wonderful benefits these beautiful miracles of nature are! 

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