Doing a New Moon Card Pull

This is the format I use for my New Moon Card Pulls. It’s a 10 card spread with two rows of 5 cards (1-5 top row, 6-10 bottom row). Each card represents a different area for insight, but hold that loosely and trust your intuition. 

Personally, I like to use a combination of decks in these larger pulls. I do this because I love how in-depth some of the oracle decks are, but I find 10 in-depth cards can be overwhelming for me personally. So i do a combination of oracle decks and inspirational (which tend to be self-contained and not have extra information in an accompanying book). Because I use multiple decks, I’m intentional to note which ones I use (more about Decks / Oracle Cards Basics). I also include all the info for each card (I’ll dictate it to my phone) because I find I catch more that way and I like having everything in one place to refer to later. 

When I’m finished, I pause to add a summary. This is my way of processing what I’ve received. In all this I’m open to my intuition and anything Spirit wants to share. I’m often amazed at how much confirmation there is in these with things I’d already been sensing or working on. It’s been a beautiful sacred practice for me, and I often do go back and revisit them later. (I’ll even take a picture and copy and paste my notes into the caption.) 

You can do what I do, or do  something that works for you. The key is taking the time and being still and open to receive. So with that said, hopefully this format is helpful! [FYI I’ve added usage notes in the square brackets]

New Moon Card Pull

#IntentionSetting #NewMoonRitual

Corresponding intention setting: [I like to note if there’s another sacred practice I’ve done in tandem]


  1. [I will summarize my thoughts, often a point for each card but sometimes simply the overarching message, whichever feels most helpful]


[I make note of which deck(s) I used]


[I’ll add the details for each of the 10 cards after the respective topic it represents. I will note I use the topics loosely. Sometimes I just know the card is referring to something else. Hold it loosely, use your intuition, and remember all this is intended to facilitate conversation with Source – the Divine Consciousness, so be still and listen and trust yourself to receive.]

  1. Emotional health
  2. Physical health
  3. Family and friends
  4. Love/romance
  5. Home/physical environment
  6. Career/business/professional development
  7. Finances
  8. Fun/recreation/hobbies
  9. Community
  10. Spirituality
A New Moon Card Pull spread using #D4YartDeck from @D4YartDeck & #nativespiritdeck by @deniselinn33 & #InspirationDeck by @AutumnSkyeArt & @The_MoonDeck by @aarona.lea

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