Category: Meditations

Video meditations that you can listen to and/or watch as you sit with the affirmation(s) connected to one or more specific element (stones/crystals/minerals)

  • Carnelian


    Carnelian Purpose Affirmation: I have steadfastness of purpose. I trust that I know the steps ahead and move towards them with purpose and confidence. I love life, and I am grateful to be alive. I was born for this moment, and I am fully committed to being myself because I am a gift to the…

  • Agate (Rutilated) / Rutilated Agate

    Agate (Rutilated) / Rutilated Agate

    Rutilated Agate Mental Acuity Affirmation:  My mind is sharp and clear. I understand things easily and remember them well. I am in control of my thoughts, so I refuse to waste time on ones that distract or derail me, and instead I cultivate a mental atmosphere of stillness and surety.  Rutilated Agate Self-Acceptance Affirmation: I love…