Category: Meditations

Video meditations that you can listen to and/or watch as you sit with the affirmation(s) connected to one or more specific element (stones/crystals/minerals)

  • Labradorite


    Labradorite Intuition Affirmation: I am open to the wisdom of the Universe. My senses are keen and attuned. I listen to the whispers, and heed my intuition. I trust my mind to understand that which my spirit discerns, for I have eyes to see and ears to hear and trust I am divinely led. Labradorite…

  • Calcite (Cobalto) / Cobalto Calcite

    Calcite (Cobalto) / Cobalto Calcite

    Cobalto Calcite Self-Love Affirmation: I love myself. I value myself. I treat myself with respect because I am worth respecting. I refuse to allow anyone to determine my value because the truth is: I am priceless. So I cherish myself for the imperfectly perfect soul that I am because regardless of whether anyone else loves…

  • Garnet


    Garnet Powerful Life Affirmation: I am strong, and my energy is powerful and abundant. I use it and it replenishes quickly. My mind is sharp, and ideas flow and are put into action – my talents on display to bless the greater whole. I am a force for good.  I love life and it flows through…

  • Calcite (Orange) / Orange Calcite

    Calcite (Orange) / Orange Calcite

    Orange Calcite Awakened Creativity Affirmation: I feel my creative energy sparking and ideas increase in flow, and with them comes the wisdom for executing those ideas. I release the things that distract me from my passion, and instead pour forth life and share it with the world at large. I release fear and embrace joy,…

  • Jasper (Ocean) / Ocean Jasper (OJ)

    Jasper (Ocean) / Ocean Jasper (OJ)

    Ocean Jasper (OJ) Peace, Healing & Refreshing Affirmation: I breathe and feel any tension in my body loosen and release. I am calm and at peace. Healing washes over me, and I feel my senses being revitalized. My mind feels sharp and my body feels strong. I am grateful for life because it is good. …

  • Chrysocolla


    Chrysocolla Speaking from the Heart Affirmation: I have thoughts that are worth sharing, and so I give voice to them. And I speak from my heart knowing that their acceptance by others isn’t what defines their worth, but rather simply that I was willing to open my heart to share them.  Chrysocolla in Black Tourmaline –…

  • Meditation: Healing Stillness

    Meditation: Healing Stillness

    Affirmation: I embrace stillness, for I know it is a place that brings forth life. So I am intentional to make time and space to cultivate that quiet state to make room for inner healing to occur – even when it’s messy. And I extend grace to myself in the process because I cannot determine…

  • Amethyst


    Amethyst Ascension Affirmation: I choose to be still, and I choose to listen. I allow the voice of heaven to wash over me and bring revelation and encouragement. I ground myself in that Spirit of truth. I am present in this moment and yet I am eternal. I am the bridge between those two realities,…

  • Amethyst (Pink) / Pink Amethyst

    Amethyst (Pink) / Pink Amethyst

    Pink Amethyst Peace & Calm Affirmation: I rest in Divine Love’s embrace where my heart is safe and at peace. I am seen and loved for who I am. I release old wounds and allow healing to flow. I am calm and peace floods my soul.  Pink Amethyst with Hematite inclusion – 61mm ball – protective,…

  • Sugilite


    Sugilite HIP (Highly Sensitive Person) Support Affirmation: I am safe and all is well. I am protected and grounded, safely held in the arms of the Universe. I am at peace and my inner landscape is still. All is well and I am safe.  Sugilite Inner Child Healing Affirmation: I love myself. I see myself…