Quartz (Golden Healer) / Golden Healer Quartz
Golden Healer Light & Life Affirmation: Healing light flows from within me, touching every cell and molecule – vibrancy and life following in its wake. I am one with Light, and its gentle power is an unstoppable force. I am healed and whole – from head to toe – in body, mind, and spirit. Golden…
Colombianite Illumination Affirmation: My discernment is sharp, and understanding flows with my intuition. Things that were murky and obscure, suddenly become clear. I trust that things I need to know are brought into my awareness in perfect timing, and I refuse to waste my time worrying about the rest. Colombianite in Copper with Carnelian adjuster…
Moonstone (Rainbow) / Rainbow Moonstone
Rainbow Moonstone is also known as White Labradorite Rainbow Moonstone Oneness Affirmation: I align myself with the natural cycles – the rhythm of the Universe, and in doing so I am awash with a sense of stability and rightness. In its wake comes clarity and confidence. I am in unison with Life, and keenly aware…
Agate (Moss) / Moss Agate
Moss Agate Prosperous Affirmation: Everything I put my hands to prospers, and everywhere I set my intentions flourishes. My relationships bloom, my body is strong, and I have everything I need – more than enough. Moss Agate with Cats Eye Tourmaline and Moonstones in Copper – 2.25” pendant – releases stress, encourages self-love and positive…
Calcite (Chocolate) / Chocolate Calcite
Chocolate Calcite is also known as Root Beer Calcite Chocolate Calcite Flourishing Affirmation: I receive all the experiences Life brings me as the fertilizer for my future growth. I flourish. I am an unstoppable force for good – filled with joy and cultivating harmony. I am strong, and my roots go deep. My dreams unfold…
Garnierite is also known as Green Moonstone Garnierite Abundant Love Affirmation: I rest in an abundance of Love. I love myself deeply, and from that full reservoir of emotion, I share that love with the world around me – in the form of patience, compassion, understanding, grace, forgiveness, and so much more because I have…
Moonstone (Black) / Black Moonstone
Black Moonstone Shadow Work Affirmation: I am safe, and I view myself through the eyes of compassion. I am unafraid to look at what I see as the broken, wounded, and even ugly parts of myself – because I am a survivor. I am a work in progress. So I refuse to condemn myself for…
Jasper (Kambaba) / Kambaba Jasper
Kambaba Jasper is also known as Crocodile Jasper and Green Stromatolite Kambaba Jasper Static Release Affirmation: I am still, and my heart is safe. I breathe and feel myself tuning in more acutely to my intuition. My focus sharpens as the worries and distractions of the world fade away. I am present in this moment,…