Category: Crystals / Stones

Properties, meditations, and usage notes for individual crystals, stones, minerals, etc

  • Moonstone (Green) / Green Moonstone

    Moonstone (Green) / Green Moonstone
  • Moonstone (Black) / Black Moonstone

    Moonstone (Black) / Black Moonstone

    Black Moonstone Shadow Work Affirmation: I am safe, and I view myself through the eyes of compassion. I am unafraid to look at what I see as the broken, wounded, and even ugly parts of myself – because I am a survivor. I am a work in progress. So I refuse to condemn myself for…

  • Jasper (Kambaba) / Kambaba Jasper

    Jasper (Kambaba) / Kambaba Jasper

    Kambaba Jasper is also known as Crocodile Jasper and Green Stromatolite Kambaba Jasper Static Release Affirmation: I am still, and my heart is safe. I breathe and feel myself tuning in more acutely to my intuition. My focus sharpens as the worries and distractions of the world fade away. I am present in this moment,…

  • Quartz (Shamanic Dream) / Shamanic Dream Quartz

    Quartz (Shamanic Dream) / Shamanic Dream Quartz
  • Quartz (Garden) / Garden Quartz

    Quartz (Garden) / Garden Quartz
  • Quartz (Lodolite) / Lodolite Quartz

    Quartz (Lodolite) / Lodolite Quartz

    Lodolite Quartz is also known as Garden Quartz and Shamanic Dream Quartz Lodolite (Garden) Quartz Empower by Light Affirmation: I am filled with and empowered by Light. I am intentional to use this power wisely, but I am also intentional to use it. I refuse to waste the gifts I’ve been given, but rather I…

  • Quartz (Amphibole, Blue) / Blue Amphibole Quartz

    Quartz (Amphibole, Blue) / Blue Amphibole Quartz

    Blue Amphibole Peaceful Communication Affirmation: My communications are harmonious and strong. I am intentional to create a space that is safe for all to be heard. I focus on the highest good and what is right (rather than simply my opinion and trying to be right). I give honor and respect, and am honored and…

  • Moonstone


    Moonstone See the Unseen Affirmation: I trust that what I need to know will be revealed to me. That information I need makes it’s way to me in perfect timing. And that my subconsciousness brings to the surface anything I need to be conscious of. My senses – both spiritual and natural – are keen.…

  • Agate (Flower) / Flower Agate

    Agate (Flower) / Flower Agate

    Flower Agate Time to Bloom Affirmation: This is my time to bloom. Everything I touch flourishes, and I am stable and grounded in joy. I trust myself, and the ideas I feel led to pursue. I know that like a flower blossoming, all things are coming to beautiful fruition in perfect timing.  Flower Agate (with…

  • Sodalite


    Sodalite Vocalizing Affirmation: My voice matters. I don’t need to strive to make myself heard, but rather trust that as I am willing to speak with authenticity and truth, the Universe will amplify it for me. My primary desire is to align with the highest good, which diminishes any desire to be “right” – I…