

Metaphysical Properties Summary:

  • restores vitality / brings refreshing
  • increases creative flow 
  • hones focus
  • stirs confidence and self-trust
  • fosters a love of life 
  • encourages increase of personal power 
  • decreases emotional or relational static
  • grounding and stabilizing 
  • encourages steadfastness of purpose
  • protects against negativity/negative emotions (from within or without)

Chakra Alignment

Below are the chakra(s) this stone/crystal aligns with (and as there is some varying of opinion, you may be led to use it with one not listed, which is totally fine! As always let intuition lead.)

Sacral Chakra (Energy Center) is connected to our creative core and sexuality – our ability to “feel”.


Carnelian Purpose Affirmation: I have steadfastness of purpose. I trust that I know the steps ahead and move towards them with purpose and confidence. I love life, and I am grateful to be alive. I was born for this moment, and I am fully committed to being myself because I am a gift to the greater whole. 

Carnelian Strength & Vitality Affirmation:  Strength and vitality are expanding in my core. I make time to recharge and I am easily refreshed. As I find that firm sense of grounding within, any static surrounding me stills, and clarity of focus reigns. 

Carnelian Creativity Affirmation: I abound in creativity. Ideas come to me with ease and in abundance, along with creative inspiration for their implementation. I have confidence in myself and trust if I’m being inspired there’s a reason. I create for the joy of creating (not for the praise of others) – though I know my gifts are a blessing to the greater whole.

This is part of Crystal Life Affirmations deck 1 (BUY IT NOW)


Element(s) used in Meditation(s)

Specimen(s) Specifics and Metaphysical Properties. FYI the meanings/uses/properties I list below are not exhaustive, but rather identify the ones I’ve come into agreement with for my particular piece(s). Also I sometimes note specific crystal formations and the properties connected to them, the details of which can be found in @IrisUnique’s fabulous free online Encyclopedia of Crystal Formations and she has wonderful classes in her Crystal Formation School. And also just to note, the stunning red root background my pieces are typically photographed on is from @BurlwoodBeauty by way of the @SoundShamaness.


Carnelian Jasper – 96mm ball – increases creative flow and personal power, stirs confidence and self-trust, encourages healing, grounding and stabilizing, restores vitality/brings refreshing, encourages steadfastness of purpose, protects against negativity emotions (from within or without), helps break obsessive habits and behaviors, hones focus, decreases emotional or relational static, fosters a love of life #Carnelian #GreenJasper from @The_Earthen_Spirit_Company

Carnelian – 61mm ball – healing and revitalizing, clears emotional “noise” allowing you to find clarity and insight at a new level, stimulates life, purifying #carnelian from @SpringSparkleswithJen 

Carnelian Geode – 67mm ball – Heightens vitality, increases creative flow and personal power, stirs confidence and self-trust that has been lost through abusive relationships/dysfunctional power dynamics, fosters a love of life, draws success in business and the behaviors that will bring it #Carnelian from #TheIndigoLightPath

Carnelian with druzy (drusy) – 30mm ball – Grounding and stabilizing, restores vitality/brings refreshing and encourages steadfastness of purpose, protects against negativity emotions (from within or without), hones focus and decreases emotional or relational static #Carnelian from @Spiritnectar

Carnelian – 42mm ball – Grounding and stabilizing, restores vitality/brings refreshing, encourages steadfastness of purpose, protects against negativity emotions (from within or without), hones focus, decreases emotional or relational static, increases creative flow and personal power, stirs confidence and self-trust, fosters a love of life #Carnelian gift from @TheStoneMaidenShoppe

Background sound: a piece from Zen Music or a scene from the Calm App – @calm (which I highly recommend), and periodically you may also hear me using my light language as I’m in the meditation. This is simply a connection and flow from Spirit, and sometimes it’s an impartation for the viewer to receive (should they choose to). 

Background ambiance: burning Palo Santo smoke. Properties: purifying, energy cleansing, inspiring creativity, encourages sense of well-being, fosters heightened spiritual connectivity, cultivates healing, helps block negative energy 


Topical & Multi-Stone Meditations

Carnelian properties recap #CrystalProperties #Carnelian
Carnelian properties recap #CrystalProperties #Carnelian

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