Several years ago a friend changed my life by introducing me to the Map of Consciousness. The concept has been expanded and taught on by many, but the original work was done by David Hawkins. It’s a taxonomy for determining vibration/energy/frequency. Though you can dig into it, at its simplest level it’s an easy way to check where your energy is (as well as checking the energy of things around you).
Map of Consciousness Overview
Just to briefly explain my understanding of this concept, our emotions can be classified from contracted energy to expanded. Instead of thinking in terms of “good” or “bad,” it’s helpful to realize that all of our emotions are providing us with information. The low energy ones simply point us to our pain bodies and let us know where to focus our energy and healing work.
At the bottom, we have things that fall in the contracted state. When we are operating from a place of force (striving) because we’re in fear-based energy. These are things like grief, guilt, and shame. Most of us know what things in this low end feel like because it’s uncomfortable and often painful.
In the midrange, we have things that still have some of that low energy but it isn’t as intense. Things like desire (want from a place of lack) and courage (action despite fear) fall in this space. To this I would add things like self-righteousness (a desire to do right coupled with pride and judgement). Part of when this taxonomy becomes most helpful is as you’re able to extrapolate out and determine where any emotion falls using the examples already given. This is helpful because knowing where your energy is to start with is vital for determining if it needs to shift.
Finally, we have the upper range – the expanded state where we’re flowing in love-based energy and operating from true power rather than striving (i.e. force). At this end of the scale we find things like joy, peace, enlightenment, and my personal favorite: gratitude.

Working with the Map of Consciousness
We inherently understand the principles in the Map of Consciousness, and we’ll often find ourselves drawn to people with the energy we like or that resonates with us. Please notice I don’t say people with expanded energy. The reason I note that is because some people actually become addicted to the lower vibrations. It’s important to understand that. I know that as an empath, my desire is to help those around me so we can all be in a good space, but I’ve learned the hard way some people don’t want to move out of their noxious energy, and so then I need to shield my own energy or I risk being dragged down with them.
That said, in general most people’s goal is to live in the upper frequencies. Because let’s face it, it feels good to feel good! But realistically we all know there will be trips to the lower end of the scale. And your real power comes in how you handle those moments and intentionally move through them, as well as how you navigate being around others in the low end of the scale without allowing your own frequency to be brought down (much like what I shared in Black Tourmaline vs. Smoky Quartz: An Empath’s Guide).
Putting the Map of Consciousness into Practice: Start By Checking Yourself
Example 1: If I notice I’m “having a bad day,” I will intentionally pause and consider the Map of Consciousness scale to determine what type of energy I’m marinating in. I never considered myself someone who struggles with fear, but I find that it’s an insidious emotion that sneaks in a lot.
I may realize I’m feeling a bit anxious and upon further reflection, I’m able to determine I’m worried about finances (worry = fear). Often, those concerns are because I don’t know how I’ll solve a future responsibility. So to move out of that space, I will breathe and ground myself in the present moment. I may work with Pink Lithium Quartz to reestablish a sense of calm. Or I might even grab a Smoky Quartz both for grounding and for transmuting that energy. I will intentionally look to all I have in this present moment, and I’ll allow myself to feel gratitude for all that.
I may also picture myself opening my hands in a gesture of expansion and an indication that I trust Source to bring what I need when I need it (Smoky Citrineconnects to this concept). When I’m finished, I can feel the energetic shift (something I’ll also express gratitude, because gratitude is an easy way to stay in an expanded state).
Example 2: Another example might be if I have to cancel plans or simply let someone know I can’t make plans, and I may realize I’m suddenly not feeling ok. As I sit with those emotions I realize I’m concerned about the other person’s response to me drawing a boundary. Many of us have struggled with boundaries, but we may not realize how much expanding into that state of self-love costs us because we’re essentially retraining our muscle memory. And though many men struggle with boundaries too, the majority of woman do because we were taught to be “good little girls” which often meant ignoring our own feelings and promoting others’ wellbeing before ourselves. (I talk about this more in Owning What is Yours (and Resisting Taking on What Isn’t).)
When we find ourselves dealing with those emotions due to unclear boundaries, we can start by clarifying the boundaries in our mind. I might also grab a Nundoorite which is a stone that promotes harmony and helps dissolve negative emotions.
I would intentionally clarify in my mind that drawing a healthy boundary is a form of love, and I can trust that those who love me will support me taking care of myself (just as I would support them doing the same). The fact is if we keep accommodating those who don’t respect our boundaries, we’re teaching them that our needs don’t matter. If we want someone else to respond differently, we have to see ourselves differently first.
Intentionally Focus Your Energy
I’m sure I’ll talk about the Map of Consciousness many more times because it’s such a powerful tool. And it can assist with intense paradigm shifts once you begin using it as a filter. The key point I want to focus on here is simply owning your own energy. This reminds me of a sign that someone shared a picture of:
Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into the space. Your words matter. Your behaviors matter. Our patients and our teams matter. Take a slow, deep breath and make sure your energy is in check before entering. Thank you.
Indiana University Health
Check your words. Check your thoughts. Where are you on the map? Are you where you want to be? If not, how can you get there? These questions are ones that are worth asking regularly. And as you choose the higher space, not only will you feel better, but others will feel the shift too.

Below is a beautiful explanation of how energy and our vibration work, and shows how that connects to the Map of Consciousness.
4 responses to “Map of Consciousness: Where is Your Energy?”
[…] the energy of what you use. I use the Map of Consciousness a lot for this (which I share about in Map of Consciousness: Where is Your Energy?). If I notice the tone of a deck is “bringing me down” or that it “feels dark” – I […]
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[…] I am light and life. And my energy aligns with the vibration of heaven, for I continually choose an expanded state of love, which removes any desire to […]
[…] this back to Map of Consciousness, we need to remember that it’s important the energy we’re setting our intentions in. If we are […]