Meditation: Poised and Ready: New Beginnings


Affirmation: I am poised and ready, fully prepared for what is ahead. My destiny lies before me and my path is clear step-by-step. I trust that doors are opening in perfect timing, so with confidence I walk on, expecting the road to rise to meet me and abundance to follow along. 

Element(s) used in Meditation(s)

Specimen(s) Specifics and Metaphysical Properties. FYI the meanings/uses/properties I list below are not exhaustive, but rather identify the ones I’ve come into agreement with for my particular piece(s). Also I sometimes note specific crystal formations and the properties connected to them, the details of which can be found in @IrisUnique’s fabulous free online Encyclopedia of Crystal Formations and she has wonderful classes in her Crystal Formation School. And also just to note, the stunning red root background my pieces are typically photographed on is from @BurlwoodBeauty by way of the @SoundShamaness.

Scolecite – specimen – Encourages recharging (especially helpful for introverts who recharge alone), stimulates strengthening, comforting and soothing yet energizing, supports accurate self-perception and encourages positive self-esteem, **encourages a release of worry, stimulates creative thought, encourages empathy, stimulates imagination and intuition #Scolecite from @MoonLotusCrystals

Lavender Moon Quartz with Pink Lithium Quartz, Blue Smoke Quartz, faceted Garnet, and Angel Aura Quartz – 7” wand – cultivates feelings of self-love and self-worth, strong facilitator of heart / love-related needs including healing heart wounds, strong mother-love healing energy, encourages self-love and acceptance, comfort for grief or disappointments, heart-healing, calming, soothing, cultivates serenity and peace, facilitates the release of negative energy (like fear, anxiety, stress and worry) and reinforces the flow of positive energy, **helps you release attachment to a desired outcome and trust the Divine plan, encourages the embrace emotional openness (surrender), encourages you to be present and release distracting thoughts, protects life force essence, encourages spiritual connectivity, cultivates appreciation of beauty, encourages inner beauty #LithiumQuartz #LavenderRoseQuartz #Garnet #AuraQuartz #AngelAuraQuartz #wand from @CrystalLifeBlessings featuring #PinkLithiumQuartz from @The7Directions #BlueSmokeQuartz from @MoonMountainGems #LavenderMoonQuartz from @TouchAndGlowCrystals #AlexandriaAura

The card(s) that influenced this meditation are:

  • POISED. Being ready; bringing something to light; being at your best; confidence. #WisdomOfTheOracle by @ColetteBaron_Reid 

Background sound: a piece from Zen Music or a scene from the Calm App – @calm (which I highly recommend), and periodically you may also hear me using my light language as I’m in the meditation. This is simply a connection and flow from Spirit, and sometimes it’s an impartation for the viewer to receive (should they choose to). 

Background ambiance: burning Palo Santo smoke. Properties: purifying, energy cleansing, inspiring creativity, encourages sense of well-being, fosters heightened spiritual connectivity, cultivates healing, helps block negative energy 

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